Numerology for December 25, 2024
12/25/2024 is the number – 18
1 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
Today is the number 9. There is nothing like have family home for the holidays. It just naturally feels whole and complete. Just exactly like the number 9.
Everyone wants to feel as if they belong and are a part of a home and family. It is important to take these moments and cherish each and every one. Because with the passing of the years, we all can lose some to death and the changes that work and family demands.
That is why this holiday, take some extra time to connect with all those you love and care for. Let them know what they have done that has made the biggest difference in your life. We don’t often enough speak from that place of love and gratitude. We worry about what others might think too much.
Remember, we do not know what will happen tomorrow. We do not know how many of us will be here and together next year. Life will pull many of us to other places and locations and we will lose touch. That is why this is the best time to say those things that matter to you now and that way later on you will have no regrets.
~Suzanne Wagner~