December 29, 2024

Numerology for December 30, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 29, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for December 30, 2024

12/30/2024 is the number – 14
1 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14
1 + 4 = 5

Today is the number 5 and it is time to make sure you are very grounded in your approach and have both feet firmly on the ground.

Perhaps today be more aware as to where you step. Perhaps it is time to become more aware of others as we are driving. Don’t take another person’s actions for granted. There are a lot of people out there distracted with much going on and may not be paying enough attention. Today is a day to be more defensive in your driving. Watch for slippery patches and remember the goal today is not to fall.

Today, take a real evaluation of how you are feeling. Too often in life we go numb and we learn to slowly adapt to patterns of dis-ease, dysfunction, illness, tension, anxiety, and pain. At first we think we are being strong. But over time, those things can become real problems. The job for us today is to notice really where we are at. It is time to take into account age, hormones, changes in weight, emotional stress, and situations where we feel we have no control.
Then take responsibility for making the necessary changes. Our body is a critically important part of us being able to manifest in this world. Without it we would not be able to have the experiences we have.

Today is a day to honor our physical self and do what we can to take care of it and allow it to thrive. Bodies heal quickly when they are given what they need to release toxins and find that ever-elusive homeostasis.

With a few changes and a bit of responsibility, this body can recover and show you more wonder and magic.

In our world it is easy to honor and respect minds. It is more challenging to embrace our feelings. But the body is often on the lowest part of our list. With a bit of effort, the body can become an ally and an asset.

I know I don’t like to feel like my mind has to drag my body forward in the morning. I do not want my mind to be the master over my physical reality. I want them to work together so that life can become smoother.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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