February 19, 2025

Numerology for February 20, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 19, 2025Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for February 20, 2025

2/20/2025 is the number – 13
2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4

Today is the number 4 and we are looking to see how to communicate something of value to us. Peace is a quality that is at moments, difficult to find and then maintain. We are all looking for a place to land and to feel safe. We live in a world that intends to keep us off balance and in upset so that they can control us through fear.

Fear is a weapon of mass destruction that has been wielded for ages to distort truth and to control populations into submission.

How does one find that core center in a world gone mad with the chaos of those bent on tearing down the pillars of our society?

The level of courage that life requires right now and to consistently hold tight to the core values of one’s soul … is massively difficult.

We are being tested.

And on many levels, we are failing. But failure is the process necessary to tear down the egos of the self-proclaimed righteous. It is painful to watch and even more painful to experience.

The number 4 in the Tarot is the Emperor card. This is a card that intends to protect and defend. But it is willing to stand up and go to war to protect those under his charge and care.

Right now, we have no one that is holding that true position of the Emperor in our world. We have a lot of those in power, but they do not have the greater good of the people in mind at all. So, we are really on our own.

That is why we are going to need to be our own salvation and find the courage to hold tight to our personal values. It matters not if the world is in chaos. What matters is if you allow that chaos into your soul and allow it to alter those values that have been the stabilizers for your life.

What this number is about today is to remember to not give your soul away to those that intend to feed off your very essence. If you give up who and what you are in the face of the monumental upsets and changes that are unfolding, then you have lost everything that is the most precious to you. And then, you are truly lost.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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