Numerology for January 11, 2025
1/11/2025 is the number – 12
1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
Today is the number 3, allows us to breathe deeply and appreciate what we have right now in our lives. The world situations show us so much to be grateful for. We live in a time of immense change. We are going to learn how to help each other and find a path that is about inclusion and support rather than exclusion and blame.
Take the Positive Mind – Number 3 and do something that helps those out there suffering. You will feel better about yourself for doing that. If everyone gave a little from what they have, others may suffer less and have a spark of hope.
There are plenty of Go Fund Me pages to support all sorts of organizations that matter to you personally. Every small act will help in ways that you might never see but such acts accumulate and help us heal our own karma and can allow us to move in a higher vibration over time.
Compassion is that way. Being open hearted and generous is fulfilling. And knowing that in any moment it could be you, is humbling.
~Suzanne Wagner~