Numerology for January 12, 2025
1/12/2025 is the number – 13
1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today is the number 4. It is all about finding balance in a world that is completely unbalanced. Needless-to-say we have our work cut out for us.
To find the balance we must first know our own center.
Life will always throw something just when we least expect it. We are here to learn to not sell ourselves out or to sell ourselves short. We are here to remember that calm center that will help us be able to respond and help others. If we are struggling, we can’t be of much help to another.
We live in a world where there are those that have power and that will sell out (what is right) for the almighty dollar. They care nothing for speaking truth but only think of themselves. We cannot change that we have allowed a world to become what it is currently. But we can still do what we know is right.
I believe that most of the common people want a better balance. I believe that we are coming to a time of a great correction. That transition from where we are to where we will need to be … is going to become very obvious. And such a massive transition will take a lot of time.
In the meantime, do what you can to stay balanced and speak kindly and from a place of fairness and justice. We will all need to do better. We will all need to do more. And now, it will be up to us.
~Suzanne Wagner~