Numerology for January 13, 2025
1/13/2025 is the number – 14
1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
Today is the number 5 and I can feel that my body needs a break and for me to take time to regroup.
I know that each of us have learned to override our bodies for important moments and various reasons. I know that this is a survival mechanism and yet, today, it feels as if this is the moment to interrupt that pattern and instead allow ourselves to listen to the body and feel past our minds and instead into a deeper flow.
I plan on going outside and putting my feet on the earth. Yes, I know it is winter, and it is cold out there but there is something inside that knows that this connection to Mother Earth is very important … especially now.
We are being called. The earth is talking to us loudly and it is time that we pay attention. The more we learn how to listen with our senses and not from our mind … the more we will be able to anticipate what is about to happen and what might be coming our way.
We are here to awaken to the wonders of this world. We are here to know that we are all a part of a greater whole. We are here to remember that all life is important and that only together can we allow the truth that we are in an Eden to really sink in. If we cannot learn to appreciate what we have right now, and want to protect it, then perhaps we have not matured enough yet in the areas of compassion.
I continue to watch my outdoor cats have learned to co-exist with the lone male racoon that comes each morning and evening. All of them are on their best behavior and have learned to work together. The male racoon respects their bowls and they respect his. There is no snapping or upsets. I believe that if nature can learn to work together that we can too. I am grateful for the reminder of that today as we celebrate and experience once again … the number 5.
~Suzanne Wagner~