Numerology for January 16, 2025
1/16/2025 is the number – 17
1 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
Today is the number 8. This is a number associated with Grief, Loss, and Sadness. It is a number that pulls us inward and towards places that we are often not willing to address.
We want to see where we are strong and capable. We don’t want to drop into our losses for fear of becoming trapped and then wallowing in that morass … despondent and pulling us into depression.
But the essence of this number is not in wallowing but in recognizing the challenges in our life with honest objectivity. We cannot heal if we do not acknowledge what has happened to us and how some moments have radically altered the course of our life and our priorities.
I don’t think terrible things happen because the Divine is cruel. I believe cruelty happens to show us what is asking for our help to heal in this world. The challenge is that there is so much cruelty in this world … it can be hard to determine what are the pieces that we are supposed to address … and which ones are for others.
I find if something happens directly to me personally, that is clearly something that is mine. When something global happens, that becomes a trickier thing to assess.
I find the key word is “compelled”. If I feel somehow compelled to speak up and say something and it is as if a force inside me demands that I speak, that is when I know it is up to me to do something.
That does not mean that I do not hurt when I see terrible events. That does not mean my heart does not break for nature and this world.
It does mean that I believe each of us is on a mission and a purpose. One cannot do all the missions or take on all the purposes in this life.
We are built and designed for specific patterns of energy that we can shape and help to heal and alter.
If we listen to that voice deep inside. It knows what is right for us and what is a process that we are to learn from.
Today, this number asks us to listen to that voice and to follow the promptings that support us in being more authentic and open. To do that we have to admit to those moments that seemed to … not go our way. But we are not here to beat ourselves up but to recognize that often a broken heart is the pathway to create greater compassion.
~Suzanne Wagner~