Numerology for January 21, 2025
1/21/2025 is the number – 13
1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today is the number 4, and we seek that feeling of being neutral and balanced. The easiest way to do this is by going out into nature. Listening to the television or being on the computer is not going to help you do that.
We are here to learn what types of things bring us peace and a sense of alignment with the universe. Those things that do not allow that to happen are not going to give us the energy to be our best and most amazing self.
I learned a long time ago to never believe another’s opinion about myself … especially … but really about anything. Everyone is looking out from their own personal lenses, and that colors what they see and distorts based on their unresolved fears and wounding.
I also learned that the projections that others have on me honestly have nothing to do with me. They are again only seeing from their own perceptual bubble and so it is ill-advised to take in the certain types of feedback from others because they are really just projecting a thought virus that they are unconsciously spreading around.
This is why the more we seek the tools to journey deep inside, and we have the discernment to not think that those things outside of us are going to give us fulfillment and what our soul really needs, the more we claim a place of balance, objectivity, and we find our own neutral center.
Today is the day to practice that and remember that the opinions of others are none of our business.
~Suzanne Wagner~