Numerology for January 23, 2025
1/23/2025 is the number – 15
1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
Today is the number 6 and with it comes a desire to drop into a hobbit hole and just get away from it all. The number 6 is called a Hermit number for a reason. There are moments when you just want to drop in and drop away from the world, society, the noise, and the drama to regroup.
We see that media is going to try to constantly drag us away from things that matter by distracting us with nonsense. It takes a mature mind to recognize the dysfunction and the potential brainwashing that comes with all that noise. We live in a society that needs constant entertainment. Powerful groups recognize that we are highly controllable if they can keep our noses in our phones. It is a highly effective way to keep us passive, entertained, and not noticing what is really going on.
They lure us into feeling more focused by playing games on the computer, tablet, or phone. But what they do is disconnect us from others and what is happening in our world.
If we are not careful, we create a world where adults are so distracted that they are not present with their own children and then those children are neglected and believe that such a thing is normal. Then they too will end up with their minds addicted to their phones and to being constantly entertained, as the phone becomes the babysitter and companion of the child.
Then we end up with a world of disassociated people that do not know how to communicate and talk to each other. And that only leads to more chaos.
That is why the number 6 also represents the teachings of meditation, mindfulness, yoga, bodywork, art, music, and all the magic that happens when we fall into silence.
We are not here to be constantly entertained by the universe. We are here to be seekers and to discover the amazing things that are in this Eden. But if we never look past your need for a burst of oxytocin, activation to our reward centers in our brain, and various chemical feedback from our brain, you may live but you will not thrive. You may exist but you will not accomplish much.
Today, turn off the phone and go outside. It might be amazing to get a full dose of nature and reconnect to this beautiful world. I guarantee you that there is more reward in having the courage to explore our real world than any made up, imaginary game world that mankind has created.
~Suzanne Wagner~