Numerology for January 26, 2025
1/26/2025 is the number – 18
1 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
Today is the number 9. This is the number for when things come full circle. Take a look at what is finally coming full circle in your life. What are those things that allow your souls to settle into this new, intuitive, and creative flow.
Today is perfect for writing, art, listening to music, and seeking those things that inspire you to move forward.
As it is a Sunday, notice if what needs to happen is a real rest, a nap, or a leisurely walk in the forest. I plan to continue to escape into my audible book that I am currently reading and then looking for those things that allow me to feel alive and vital.
I will be puppy sitting for the next three weeks and I look forward to having a cuddle dog to play with and that wants to take me on long walks.
He will be a perfect distraction from the world situations for a bit.
~Suzanne Wagner~