Numerology for January 27, 2025
1/27/2025 is the number – 19
1 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
Today is the number 10 and it is clear that we are not just in a new mindset. We are in a completely different reality.
Whether we like the reality or not, is not the question. Perhaps the better question is “Why are you personally in this reality and playing through this moment in time?”
I believe we are all here for reasons. For some of us, we are here to be a witness once again … to the creation and destruction of what once was. For others they are actively to be a part of either the creation or destruction of what is unfolding. The karma we carry and need to work through is a big part of the positions we take and how we respond.
As all of you know (that follow the numerology), the number 10 is about the use, focus, and/or abuse of power. Power (the number 10) is not bad or good. It is an energy molded and shaped by those that wield it.
What I know is that we are all down here doing our own karmic walk. What I know is that for me the game is to take actions and make choices that do not add to my karmic burden.
Today, simply notice, are you doing or saying things that cause others harm or are you doing and saying things that support growth and make a better world.
Regardless of the reflections currently in our world, quietly move from a place that is kind and considers others.
This world is hard enough without breeding even more hate.
~Suzanne Wagner~