January 3, 2025

Numerology for January 4, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 3, 2025Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for January 4, 2025

1/4/2025 is the number – 14
1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 14
1 + 4 = 5

Today is the number 5. This is a number called the Wounded/Healer/Teacher. I remember many years ago a great teacher of mine would look at my life and all the things I feel compelled to do each day for others and he would smile as he would shake his head in amazement.

He would say, “Clearly, in this life you determined to be of service. Clearly, this life was not about what you wanted but what you could offer up to humanity. Clearly, you were a soul that was not willing to stay up in Nirvana while you watched so much of humanity suffering. And clearly, you opted out of staying in bliss and decided to risk taking on more karma by coming back into this life and try to help others.”

I have never thought that I carried any greater gifts than another. What I have always recognized was that somehow, I looked out through eyes that refused to not see the whole truth. I have rarely felt “star-struck”. I have seen the powerful gifts of the rich and famous but also always saw their own human weaknesses that actually fueled their greatness. I have been offered money, opportunity, and influence. But often those things had hooks that were not going to allow who I was to be expressed because people wanted to own my soul, my ideas, and my energy.

Because of that, I could never put anyone on a pedestal, including myself. I have spent my life around people with many unique gifts and abilities, fame and fortune, power and influence. And I have never wanted to be anyone else.

While people fascinate me and I love to figure out the intricate workings of their minds, I would not trade my reality for someone else’s … ever.

I bring all this up because the number 5 is earth energy. It is the reminder that you came to earth for a reason. You came to have this current experience. You came down to take an earth walk and unravel your own mysteries and figure out how to give your gifts. You came down to help others but recognized that the only way to really do that was to heal yourself first.

This is the true essence of the number 5.

Until you are willing to do the healing journey, the words you carry will have no wisdom. Words without wisdom create a hollow and shallow expression of your potential. That configuration does not allow a soul to feel complete or fulfilled.

The number 5 asks each of us to look at what will make us happy. It is not often what we think.

Many think power and money will make them happy. The truth is that when one knows oneself deeply and intimately, has done the work of self-acceptance and self-love, and moves from a place of authenticity and being open-hearted, that is what will really make a person happy.

Today, be happy with who you are and what you have accomplished. Know that you are enough just as you are. Once you stop needing to prove who you are in this world, you will finally feel as if you can get out of your own way and stop using your life force energy in resisting. Then you will know that you can feel that powerful flows of inner knowing and intuitive guidance.

Then trusting the path and this world will be much easier. And you will find that the wholeness you seek has always been right there in your hands all along.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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