Numerology for January 5, 2025
1/5/2025 is the number – 15
1 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 15
1 + 5 = 6
Today is the number 6. This is the number of the spiritual seeker. It is the number that is that spark within that knows there is more than the illusions of this current reality.
Spiritually we look for a doorway to more divine connection and guidance. We see that each soul is on their own journey and that very few actually have anything of real value that can support what is currently unfolding in our reality. That does not mean they do not have value. But that each soul is on their own path to discover those places inside that are of value.
What is happening at this time in our individual lives is very deep and very personal. It is as if a mystery is calling to us from our depths. And we have no choice but to answer and follow that voice.
What is clear is the answers we seek will not to be found in the external world. The path is now leading inward and towards the source of who we are that is longing to awaken.
When we can touch those powerful places of truth inside our being, we discover that this life is not about taking but about giving.
But we only have something to give when we are willing to reach deep down into our soul and find the treasures that we have hidden and that have been longing to awaken.
Once you find those treasures and begin to share them, you feel abundant and rich. You no longer care so much about the money but instead reach to offer the hope and inspiration that those gifts have given you and now are looking for a way to be shared with others.
~Suzanne Wagner~