Numerology for January 7, 2025
1/7/2025 is the number – 17
1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
Today is the number 8 makes us wonder about what yet may come. Perhaps you are looking at the health and well-being of a family member that is on that slippery slope into a dying process. Perhaps you are looking at what you are needing to surrender up so that you can move forward in your life. Perhaps you want to linger in the memories of a world and reality that is clearly no longer existing in our reality.
Whatever is happening for you today, being fully present with it … is the answer. Acceptance is the journey of grief. We are here to learn to accept the moment, let go and grieve what is lost. Only then, can we fully be present enough to move forward and find those new doors that will open us to the unseen.
Grief shows up in many ways. For some the expression of grief is shocking, immediate, and deep. For others it shows itself over time in small ways. Memories from objects that had meaning and importance. Pictures of a simpler and happier time. Times when something important was shared that now lives only in secret places inside.
In looking at life from many angles, I see that grief is often about wishing one had time to share important feelings and thoughts with another.
Today is a day to not let those moments pass without taking the chance to say them.
I believe everyone on your path is a part of your spiritual family. Many come in … give some essential insight … and then have to move on. That does not mean that they did not give a very special gift even if their own path led them off in another direction.
Today, appreciate and see all those that have contributed in big and small ways to your life. Then send them a thank you. Either energetically, or in some small way that allows them to know that they did make a difference in your life.
Karma is freed when we acknowledge the great contribution that others have made in our life. None of us have gotten to where we are alone. We are all here to help others remember critical things and to help walk each other home.
~Suzanne Wagner~