Numerology for January 9, 2025
1/9/2025 is the number – 19
1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
Today is the number 10. It is a reminder that in choice is power. Not choosing keeps one in limbo.
Currently, in the world, we see situations that will cause us to feel uncertain, and for some … they may not know which way to go. Waiting on what others intend to do … will not help us make our own decisions. That is not the path. It is up to us to choose our own path and then to step onto that path. Whether others understand it, condone it, or want to dissuade us from it … matters not.
We are in a moment when we will have to choose our own path and bravely move in that direction regardless of the world view. This is perhaps scary to some but it is inspiring at the same time.
We do not have time to wait for others to do the right thing for us. We simply need to do the right thing that aligns with our morals and values. That will lead us out of the karmic suffering of our past and towards our new potential for the future.
This number 10 today, empowers us to do just that.
Power is learned when we are willing to stand up for what we believe … over what we are told. This is the day to discover your courage and leap towards a goal that is right there.
Power requires us to have the courage to take the reins of our lives and move in the direction that will show us our potential.
~Suzanne Wagner~