Numerology for July 17, 2024
7/17/2024 is the number 23
7 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 23
2 + 3 = 5
Today, we try to keep both feet firmly planted on the ground. With the number 5, we look to what needs healing and how to move in that direction.
The key is to feel the earth under your feet, don’t let the mental insanity stop you from finding peace and inner calm, and remember that most things in life are illusions.
What is real is the love that you carry inside, your desire to do good things in the world, and doing something that leaves a positive legacy behind.
As we walk the “Good Red Road” of our life, remember to look past this moment and into the future to what insights we might have from a broader perspective. Because in this moment there is too much chaos for clarity. Too much upset for understanding.
Healing happens when the pain becomes too great.
Healing happens when we allow in help from other avenues.
Healing happens when we recognize that we cannot do it alone.
Healing happens when we finally understand that we cannot continue to override what our body is trying to tell us with our mind any longer.
I hear the angels talking above saying, “Do you think they are miserable enough yet?”
Another angel says, “Nope, clearly that level of pain is not enough to shift them off their dogmatic beliefs and need for validation. Seems we need to up the anty!”
So, here we sit in a place of discomfort attempting to find a way to make sense out of our own mess. Until we see that what we project out into the world is actually what a part of us is inside that we deny, we will continue to escalate these upsets in order to force ourselves to change.
Meanwhile, stay grounded, open, and willing to change. That time is coming. We are not there yet. But healing will happen … It always does. We just do not get to decide when that moment is.
Ride the waves, remember that storms can be exhilarating. Know that you will remember these times. I hope your choices will be those you can live with in the future.
~Suzanne Wagner~