July 26, 2024

Numerology for July 27, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 26, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for July 27, 2024

7/27/2024 is the number 24
7 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 24

2 + 4 = 6

The number 6 gives us a chance to pause and to breathe. Sometimes it may feel like the calm before the storm. Regardless, the numerology tells us to take this moment while we have it … to go inward and decide what is going to be needed over the next few weeks. Putting all the pieces together can be daunting but I believe in everyone’s capacity to handle those details as they arise.

Today, step into a calm and centered state of being and notice what is next on the list for you. People think that lists are just for older people as they start forgetting but I have learned to put ideas and thoughts down as they arise and then it seems to declutter my mind because that idea is not trying to be remembered, as it is on the paper.

Life is about learning small tricks to make things less stressful. Learning how and when to take a moment to yourself is one of them. Especially now, we have so many things that seem to want to try to pull us off course and in that process … we lose our own center. Then we respond in inauthentic ways and often our choices are not quite in alignment with what is appropriate or the standard that others expect out of us.

Part of this process is self-awareness. When I was a dancer, if I got hypoglycemic, I got very anxious, desperate for food, and could not focus. I learned to explain myself to people so they could help me rather than for me to start acting weird and everyone thinking I had lost my mind.

Now, because of my ascending aortic aneurism, I don’t do well when it is hot. I can go from okay but hot to “way too hot” so fast and then my brain turns to mush, and I am not able to hear what others are saying or remember what they are saying. Again, I have learned to explain what is happening to me so that others can get ice, get me in a cooler place, and allow me to regroup.

I explain these things because currently in my practice of working with people, I see those that have gone beyond their limits in a variety of ways. They know they are off, but they are acting erratically, and it is confusing for them and those around them. The process is about helping them find what will allow them to come back to the center once again. Such moment require us to take a pause and remember who they are and that they do not have to do everything in that moment. Rushing does not help when this number is up. Pushing through is also not the best idea because we are feeling overwhelmed and will probably make choices from desperation rather than inspiration.

Today, embrace a calming moment. Sit outside under an umbrella with a cool drink and allow yourself to regroup. Feel a cool breeze come over your body and reconnect to the earth. Only once you feel better should you try to go back to the project and perhaps then, you will discover the elusive answer you have been seeking.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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