Numerology for July 28, 2024
7/28/2024 is the number 25
7 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25
2 + 5 = 7
The number 7 feels wonderful if it allows us to see the plan that is emerging from all our hard work. There is a goal in sight. We are working in the direction of creating something very new and wonderful. Soon it will be time to share it with others. Know that the planning and effort is worth it. Know that doing things that support family coming together and celebrating is worth it. Know that doing your best even when faced with insurmountable odds can be accomplished if you just take one moment at a time.
Life is about learning to do what is presented in that moment. If you delay … you only complicate things and add to the stresses later on. Procrastination only makes things harder not easier. When we learn that, everything changes, and we move out of childish resistance and into being a mature person capable of contributing to this world.
Being successful as a grown up requires being fully in the moment, planning for a future, and following through with commitments.
Yes, there are moments when everyone falters and fails. But those moments are to learn the value of those three essential lessons above.
And life becomes easier and more predictable when we know what we want, have goals, and are willing to follow through with those difficult things that will require our attention.
~Suzanne Wagner~