July 7, 2024

Numerology for July 8, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 7, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for July 8, 2024

7/8/2024 is the number 23
7 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 23

2 + 3 = 5

With the Number 5 can bring out the stubborn streak in some people. All numbers carry a positive and negative side to them. It is up to us to make choices that will allow for growth, movement, and open us to unknown potentials.

But some may want to lock down internally and externally and refuse to move. That would be ill-advised. Not moving is rarely a good option. Life requires us to move constantly. Death energy will slow us down and call us to stop moving entirely.

This number is all about the body, health, exercise, and all physical healing modalities. It is time to embrace a big change. Are you up to the task? I hope so. Everything in life is on the other side of our resistance. Our reticence is about fear and deep-seated insecurities. But one must never feed the fearful part of us. The projections of others can do that all by themselves. We need to remember to believe in us first and foremost. Take your dream and leap towards it. Do not let the voices inside or outside stop you from discovering how much more you could be.

It is time to not resist … but instead insist.
We need to insist that people move with a kind and generous heart.
We must insist that this world learns to come together rather than do things that cause others to suffer from our selfishness and our unwillingness to accept change.
We must insist that compassion and kindness are the solutions to war and conflict.
We must find a way to create pathways for others to find their way out of their own karmic traps and help create a world filled with amazing solutions.

This number 5 reminds us that all things are possible. It is just that some will take a lot of time and effort. Some things take lifetimes to complete. Some things shift rapidly when we let go of an old perspective and mindset.

Today, this number 5 tries to help us lay those first foundation stones. Perhaps today you can find how to have the courage to create your own “yellow brick road” and embark on a wonderful journey filled with love, companionship, and a willing heart to journey beyond our own known reality and into our own magical world of Oz.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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