Numerology for 6/12/2024
6/12/2024 is the number 17
6 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
The Number 8 reminds us that we have a human body, have human emotions, and that everything living experiences joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, worry, fear, and anger. There are many sentient beings in this world and to remember that human beings are not the only ones.
This world is a multidimensional experiment in feeling. And as such, we are here to learn compassion for all living things and for ourselves.
Sometimes having compassion for us is the hardest thing to learn. But we are here to learn all the lessons that these complex emotions offer us.
The darker emotions never feel as pleasant as the lighter ones. But the darker ones often offer us more lessons and provoke profound shifts in our reality.
Today, the number 8 can feel dark and bring up those feelings that we prefer to hide and bury. Feelings such as grief, resentment, frustration, anger, loss, etc. Feeling such emotions pulls us deeper into the darker expressions of the human construct.
We all know people that seem to be ridiculously happy all the time. We also know that somehow it feels false and inauthentic. They can seem as if they are almost out of the movie the “Stepford Wives!”
Authentic people are diverse in their emotional expressions. They express things in the moment and don’t let things build up or fester. Letting things build up causes emotions to come out with such force that they can hurt others when that cork is unleashed.
A part of us craves real! We live in a world of facades and perfect, photoshopped images. We live in a world where people say one thing to get what they want but then mean something else entirely. And it is making us crazy!
That is why today, it is important to notice what you might have been hiding and let it out in constructive ways. When we feel the feelings then they are able to be transformed into something else that is hopefully more productive. Not feeling things through, allows them to fester and that only concentrates the negative.
~Suzanne Wagner~