June 16, 2024

Numerology for June 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 16, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for June 17, 2024

6/17/2024 is the number 22

6 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 22

2 + 2 = 4

The number 4 desires a balance and better communication. While I know most are trying very hard to navigate the treacherous waters that we are traversing, the process has been exhausting and frustrating.

This is why today; we are again practicing the delicate art of neutrality. Being neutral is not about being passive. It is about being fully present in a moment and recognizing things for what they are, while making a very conscious choice to follow paths of peace and harmony over ego and insolence.

The question to ask today is, “Does my opinion even matter at this moment? Probably not! Is it worth creating more drama? Probably not!”

Sometimes choosing peace is about letting go of needing to be right.

Remember, that a closed mind is very difficult to open. And a set mind is running its programs about what is comfortable and familiar. That means that rarely are people really open for feedback and that is why one needs to let go of fixing anyone or anything in favor to recognizing that another person’s karma is never really your job. Nor do you really want to take on that job by putting yourself in the middle of it. That is because karma knows what this person’s lessons will be and whether we want to be right or not, most confrontation is a precious waste of time and energy.

The best thing one can do is just offer an option. If they refuse that option that means that your idea is not right for them at this time.

Just know that you might have planted a seed. And at some point, the angels and karma will water that seed enough that it begins to sprout. But often by that point, we are long gone. But hopefully we remain a lovely memory in their mind.

I find that I feel compelled to give insight because the choices of others cause such a state of anxiety and stress that it makes me uncomfortable.

In desperation to escape feeling slimmed by their karmic dysfunction, I will attempt to maneuver them beyond the block and into a freer space. But sometimes the dysfunction is comfortable to them because it is familiar. Just as it is easier to blame … than take responsibility.

That is why today, choose peace over fixing. Recognize where someone is and notice if it makes you uncomfortable.

Then if you must, make a suggestion without being attached to them taking it or getting it. If it goes nowhere, just relax and embrace the fact that you have planted a seed and that one day that seed will eventually grow beyond their block and into something wonderful.

Learn to give wisdom like it is a gift. Many gifts are not valued at the time. Only later are some seen and appreciated. But also know that some will be thrown away as certain states of awareness cannot see the wisdom in that gift. And we have to release that gift to whatever end it will find. Once a gift is given, it takes on a life of its own. Not all gifts will stand the tests of time. But there is always hope in the process of giving.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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