June 28, 2024

Numerology for June 29, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 28, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for June 29, 2024

6/29/2024 is the number 25

6 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25

2 + 5 = 7

With the Number 7, we have to use our mind and see the patterns that are either trying to ensnare us or trying to free us. We are in a cycle that requires a better balance between our mind and our heart. And there are moments that it seems that globally we have a very long way to go.
This number is a part of a numerological cycle called the “dark night of the soul.” What that means is that there are moments we are called to go inward and ask some big questions of ourselves and then seek the answers (the number 6).

Then we come back out into the real world and attempt to put them into a place that allows for something new to manifest in the outer world (the number 7).

But then the universe will test us and point out what is not quite aligned and what still needs more tweaking to make it work (the number 8).

This can feel demoralizing as the level of effort often required is much more than we realized, and it can pull us down into hopelessness and despair (the 8 is the number of grief, loss, and sadness).

Only when we are at the bottom and the old reality has collapsed down can we find the base upon which to rebuild, as we have hit bedrock and that provides the essential stability to actually have something that will stand the tests of time.

That is how we get to the number 9 day which is about completion. Completion does not end up looking like the idea or perception that we started with. Completion often has a life of its own.

After all, we give something (like a dream) energy and it then must unfold in its own natural order. As that energy begins to create its own direction and purpose then our part of that journey is complete. That is why in completion we must let go and allow what is now in play to find its path. From there we are free to start over and create something more.

I explain all of this cycle to help each of us navigate the process of how our dreams evolve.

With the number 7 day, you are attempting to put the pieces into place for the dream inside you to awaken. Know that there will be many adjustments along the way. The original dream may not look the way you envisioned it as it unfolds. And that is not a problem, it is just the way the world works.

The key with this day is to figure out how to allow ideas to evolve and find their own conclusion. We think we are in charge of things, but the truth is that something much bigger and vaster is in charge.

When we understand that we are not here to just create what we want but that we are here to be the vehicle for something greater than ourselves to move through us, that is when we understand that all creation requires a powerful moment of letting go so that things can evolve how they were supposed to.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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