Numerology for March 10, 2025
3/10/2025 is the number – 13
3 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today we move into a pattern of peace and cooperation. This is the pattern of Neutral Mind and while the world is anything but neutral at the moment … the test of neutrality is to put you in chaos and notice what if you are able to stay calm and objective in the process.
This moment in history may be the most challenging any of us have ever experienced. And we are going to need to pace ourselves because we are going to be in this process for a very long time.
This number is also the number of communication and how we strive to not just speak but also to learn the art of listening. It can be very difficult to hear the hardships and concerns of others. We think if it does not impact us … it will be okay. But when many are suffering … the truth is that eventually everyone suffers.
Balance (the number 4) comes from understanding that fact and learning to work together to make all feel included and part of the process … rather than excluded, minimized, and made inconsequential.
Everyone has value. All life is important and essential to the whole. We are here to learn to work together not to tear each other down or tear our world apart.
It will take all of us. Everyone is going to be a part of the healing and transformation that is now more than obvious.
~Suzanne Wagner~