Numerology for March 16, 2025
3/16/2025 is the number – 19
3 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
We move into the power position of the Number 10, once again, as we attempt to understand the differences between what is constructive power and what is destructive power.
The reason I love the Yogic Numerology is because it reminds us that within the number of the Radiant Body (the number 10) is the number 1 which is associated with humility. It reminds us that the zero adds the energy by a factor of ten … and that ideally, we want to magnify authenticity, compassion, and humility (the number 1).
Too often, an emotionally immature person looks to the number 10 as a way to get power just for the sake of power. That negates the roots of the number 10 and instead can magnify ego and arrogance over compassion and humility.
That pattern always ends up a mess in a multitude of ways.
Of course, the game is always choice. It matters not what skills or tools we have. It matters the intention with which we wield them.
~Suzanne Wagner~