Numerology for March 18, 2025
3/18/2025 is the number – 21
3 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 21
2 + 1 = 3
Today we enter into the Positive Mind energy of the Number 3. Life is about our ability to work with perception. What that means is that some will see a hole to fall into where others will see a doorway and a threshold to cross or enter.
If you feel as if you are falling in a hole, your soul needs to go down deep into the subconscious and reconnect with the parts that you have disowned and pushed far away from your conscious mind and that now hide and linger in the shadows.
If you see a door, you are at a point of choice. In this instance you have to be willing to step through that door. But you will have to have the courage to turn that knob and discover what is on the other side of the bubble that you currently find yourself in.
If you see a threshold, you are more open than most. You have already done the work to dismantle parts of your rational mind and have a more direct access to a better right and left-brain balance. To you, the doorway is open, there is already a free flow of energy moving through. The barriers of the ego and the rational mind have softened, and the conscious mind is listening to the intuitive and spiritual part of your nature. There is a willingness for them to work together.
Today is a day to make the third pattern the goal.
The hole is a path of discovery to what you have hidden from yourself until you are ready. It is a journey into shadow and to recognize that things you judged about yourself might actually be quite wonderful now.
The door is a moment of choice. The choice is if you love and trust yourself enough to enter into a new reality. It is a test of courage and a moment where your desire is more than adequate to propel you forward.
The threshold is an acknowledgement that fears no longer control you. It indicates that your heart is open and that open heart has become the threshold. That openness now allows in all essential information to help you find and be in the organic flows of the universe.
Threes are a magical thing. Let the magic inspire you to be so much more than you currently know yourself to be. Then share that beautiful soul with others.
~Suzanne Wagner~