Numerology for March 19, 2025
3/19/2025 is the number – 22
3 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 22
2 + 2 = 4
Today is a day that can feel like the calm before the storm. But the storm that is clearly in the distance is going to clear out the waves of distortion and put us on a very new track. Some will make this leap easily and others will struggle with what they will need to surrender up in order to come back to center.
This moment is all about that center (the number 4). That very precious and delicate balance that calls to us at the height of our fear and reminds us that we have abilities that can and will show us that everything is connected and that we are all one heart and one mind.
It is egos that separate and divide.
It is fear that limits our ability to believe in ourselves.
It is time to show that hope is the fuel that can take us to new places and become someone and something … better.
~Suzanne Wagner~