Numerology for March 2, 2025
3/2/2025 is the number – 14
3 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
Today is the number of the Physical Body. It is once again time to really look at what our body needs and how we are supposed to support our physical health and well-being during this difficult time.
What is clear is that no one is going to have the strength to convince you to do what is necessary, because everyone is going to be feeling the pinch in their own way.
It is time to realize that we know what we are going to need to do for our health and if we manage to do that consistently we will be able to weather the storms of this life with some grace and compassion.
Remember to keep things simple, appreciate those that inspire you and give you hope, and move away from the addictions of culture in favor of real connections that feed the heart, mind, and soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~