Numerology for March 20, 2025
3/20/2025 is the number – 14
3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 14
1 + 4 = 5
Today is a day when we want to honor the earth and all that dwell in this reality with us.
The Native Americans have a phrase that sums it up, “To all our relations.” This phrase supports and reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living things and the importance of having respect and taking up the responsibilities we have to honor the natural world and each other.
We are a part of not just a society, culture, religion, or race to which we belong. But we are also connected to the land, the animals, the plants, and the cosmos.
Too often, we come from our small human mind instead of our spiritual awareness that recognizes that we are only a part of a greater whole. It is easy to become so self-absorbed that we disconnect from the essence of the land and the wild things that help to sustain us.
Indigenous cultures frequently have traditions that align with supporting the harmony and balance that is creation.
Translated from many Native American languages, that phrase actually means, “The place where we all grow.”
I find that a lovely reminder that it is in the things that we relate too that we learn the most. Those things that draw us in, in turn feed our soul and spirit. Those things that captivate our attention and wonder, then support us in being more whole and to not feel so alone or disconnected.
We live currently in a world that is trying to pull us apart, but the natural world is always calling us to come together.
I hope to see the day that humanity remembers that our role in this wonderful world is to be its steward and to support the continued existence of life.
One of the Native American words for harmony is, “Eloheh”. Which is called the Harmony Way. It attempts to describe a state of being when all is as it should be or as it was created to be. It is a word that denotes that the people are at peace, not at war. That the earth feels and is being cared for and thus producing great abundance. It is a moment when nothing in life goes hungry.
So, today, this is my prayer for this world on the number 5 day. May all creatures and life have enough and feel filled with wonder and delight.
~Suzanne Wagner~