Numerology for March 23, 2025
3/23/2025 is the number – 17
3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 17
1 + 7 = 8
Today is the Number 8 and emotions will probably run high or low. Traditionally this number is one of grief and loss. Perhaps we look to what we have lost already and what we are going to continue to lose in the upcoming years.
The number 8 is the symbol of infinity. What is up must come down. What is down must come up. What is inspiration wants to become real and a part of the material world and what we create once again can become an inspiration to others. We become the bridge between heaven and earth, but it is our heart that allows that connection to move from spirit to manifestation and back.
The question is … What do you really care about? How willing are you to really do something about it? How bad will it have to get before you stand up and demand change that is constructive rather than destructive?
I have learned that the big decisions in life only come when we have gone through enough trauma in order to finally change our behaviors.
It is never about the world falling into line with our own thoughts or beliefs. It is always about feeling into the flow and allowing in life and becoming a part of that organic flow in conscious and constructive ways.
The more a soul fights the natural order of things. The more hate wins and destroys even more of this world.
We become whole when we see that we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves. We become whole when we use what we have to be generous with others and we find a way to give back what has been given to us.
But life is funny, and it is never really fair. Because egos like to take charge and put on airs.
The Number 8 is a reminder of the truth that our spirit tries to inspire our humanity. We become excited about something, and we take the time and effort required to do the steps to make the world a better place. When we do that … we create small heavens on earth. And then we give new insights and perspectives that then support our spirit to again grow.
~Suzanne Wagner~