March 5, 2025

Numerology for March 6, 2025

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 5, 2025Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for March 6, 2025

3/6/2025 is the number – 18
3 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 18
1 + 8 = 9

With today being a number 9 day, we seek forms of solace that revolve around completion and resolution.

This is the number of letting go. Letting go of what we believed we used to know. Letting go of what might have been … in favor of embracing the evolving reality that is now our life.

It is amazing how many misperceptions can happen from a small thing. Such as someone trying to tell you who they believe that you are. Even those that have the best of intentions do not know the secrets of your heart. That is a process that unfolds on a deeply personal level. One that takes time to unfold the many layers that we wrapped around ourselves in order to feel safe.

But those layers never work in the end. Those layers end up feeling constricting because regardless of how much safety we need we cannot help but grow in this life. And those thoughts and beliefs that helped us define us …  end up feeling very constricting and uncomfortable. Those layers need to be peeled off one at a time or in groups depending upon the breakthroughs of awareness that ignite the truth within to emerge.

Today is a day when the layers can feel tight. And something inside is desperate to breathe and break through into the light. To do that we have to let go of what once was defining for us and embrace a now new and deeper understanding of who and what we are to become.

When the student is ready … the teacher appears. Today is a day when you might be ready to embrace the greater and wiser teacher that is within you. What is clear is that those layers are coming off and what is unfolding is something beautiful and divine. Something that now has the space to breathe more life and light into you.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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