Numerology for November 20, 2024
11/20/2024 is the number – 12
1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
Today, the number 3 brings some light into the darkening seasonal skies. Always a lovely moment to share the joys and remember those that have supported us in getting here.
Today look up and into the sky. Look towards the hope that is always a part of this life, even when you have to really cast a wide net.
Know that in life are the lessons we have asked for … to help us illuminate what is inside so that we can bring that back into a more conscious state and allow it to become a gift in this world.
Remember that you are a gift, and in each soul, they also have gifts that are still coming into being. We are often here to help and support each other in that process.
Look at yourself in the mirror and see how much effort and love you have put into so many things. Know that all that does matter in the grand scheme of things. The more you love yourself, the more you have to love others. The more you are willing to expand that love out into the world the larger your aura becomes, and the more karma is released. The larger your aura becomes the greater impact you can have in this world. The more positive impact you offer into this dimension, the more choices you will have in the next lifetime.
~Suzanne Wagner~