October 13, 2024

Numerology for October 14, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 13, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for October 14, 2024

10/14/2024 is the number – 14
1 + 0 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 14
1 + 4 = 5

Today we have a Number 5 energy. It is time to notice where your energy levels are at. Most are feeling a bit low and stressed out. Most are feeling a level of exhaustion that is beyond anything that they completely understand. What is being asked of us by the universe is taxing us in very new ways. We are all scrambling to find solutions to the energy drains that are happening all around us.

I have noticed that in times of stress, our bodies will need different things to reclaim that balance. What is important today is to not do the same old things. Try something new. Perhaps you need to go to an acupuncturist instead of working out so much. Perhaps you need to go get a massage rather that stay longer in bed. Perhaps we need a nutritionist rather than eating all the junk food.

What is clear is that our bodies need something different. Change is necessary and now it is up to us to try to figure out what that might look like.

This is the number that reminds us that physical change is a part of all life. It is illusion to think that we are in a state that will continue indefinitely. Such a thought makes us grasp hard on to things that will have us desperately clinging to the past and not letting go in order to face our future.

We suffer because we want something to remain when all of life has flows and seasons. If you are in a season that you are enjoying, treasure this moment but do not hang on to it. Let it be like warm sand running through your fingers. And let it be washed away by the waves that are destined to come.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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