October 16, 2024

Numerology for October 17, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 16, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for October 17, 2024

10/17/2024 is the number – 17
1 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 17
1 + 7 = 8

Today, we enter the emotional time and vibration of the number 8. That is not surprising with the Full Moon in Aries. The voices of many are going to rise up and express what has been hidden and what has been denied. It seems that most just refuse to stay quiet about what they are feeling, and so I expect it to be a very volatile and emotional day.

This is leading up to the fact that tomorrow through Friday is going to be something very unique. Something is bound to happen and there is no way that those sensitive to global events are not feeling the cosmic stress and strain leading into these days.

It is also interesting to me that today is a time to feel the grief and loss, tomorrow is a very emotional day where much is going to surface and be asked of us to feel. Tomorrow is a day that we might not want to feel everything that is going to transpire but we are all in this together. Seems we are here to bear witness so something important for what we want and where we are going to go.

So, let today be a day to discharge what is surfacing in constructive ways. Perhaps it is time to let the tears flow and to allow the toxic stress of the past many days to be released.

A day like today, I fall back to my teachings by Pema Chodron, called “Sitting in the Shempa!” Which means that sometimes you just have to sit in the misery of the truth of what you are feeling. When you are willing to do that, eventually those emotions dissipate, and you are left with the truth that had been hidden by them.

While today could feel like being in the mud. Remember that beautiful treasures are often hidden in the mud. It can take a lot of tears to wash away the mud to see the beautiful gems underneath.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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