October 20, 2024

Numerology for October 21, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 20, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for October 21, 2024

10/21/2024 is the number – 12
1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 12
1 + 2 = 3

Today, we enter the energy of the Number 3. This can make our heart fluffier. Just remember to not be fake in the process.

We all know those people who are almost too saccharine sweet, and it appears feigned and false. And when such people talk it grates on your nerves because of its lack of authenticity.

Today, be more aware if you are forcing the smile or saying something nice. Drop into your core and center and come from a place that is genuine and caring.

Sometimes honesty is the best policy. Saying that you are doing your best under hard circumstances can be the truth and opens up a dialogue that gives permission for others to go deeper and ask questions if they are willing.

What we often find is that others are dealing with their own stuff and are unwilling to communicate beyond the surface niceties of our appropriate social engagements.

But I find again and again, that being genuine, (without dumping on others) is a way to work with the truth rather than go into habits of denial and trying to be something we believe we are supposed to be, rather than embrace the emotional fullness of a moment.

One can be real and kind. One can be open and honest. One can be sincere and in pain.

This is a number where we try to focus on the soul’s ability to hold both the good and the bad in our lives in a state of balance.

While doing that can be quite a challenge. Denial that we are struggling will end up worse because that too often leads to a physical collapse because the body can only stuff so much emotion before it just can’t take any more and begins to break down.

Today, be kind to yourself. Remember, to hold those negative things lightly in your hand and to not forget that you are a beautiful being searching to discover who is inside and what you might become if you have the courage to face the truth in each moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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