September 6, 2024

Numerology for September 8, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 6, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for September 8, 2024

9/8/2024 is the1 number – 25
9 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 25

2 + 5 = 7

Today being the Number 7, brings us back to a more rational mindset. We want to understand and know the reasons why. Sometimes that can be a very difficult thing to understand. But with the current state of the world, being informed and having a clear mind when there is so much distortion … is no small feat.

The Number 7 knows that there are answers. The question is if our mind is capable of actually understanding them.

I remember something the Dalai Lama said to me when I asked him the question, “When you look at all of us … What do you see?”

With a smile he said, “When I look at all of you, I see that you have created this drama for you to learn and move through your karma. And I should let you do that. Because you have angels and guides that know much better what you are attempting to learn, and I should stay out of the way. However, if you ask me for help, I am karmically obligated to help you. Because if you have the intelligence to ask an interesting question, it means that you might begin to have the ability to understand my answer.”

I never forgot that statement. It says so much. Being a person who studies numerology, I saw that he has in his Yogic Numerology … the number 7 karma. Which clearly, he has learned and completely integrated.

That is because the number 7 respects the boundaries of others but also understands that we cannot heal everyone. Some are not yet open to that healing. You can only really help people who have enough awareness to ask the right questions and are willing and open enough to embrace the answers.

Great healers know how to show the door and then it is up to us to step through that door. No one can heal us if we are unwilling to actually do the hard work to heal.

Today is an opportunity to look at the path you are currently on and to be honest about how open you are to actually healing and changing. If you are not ready … you are not ready. There will be those whose egos want to be ready, but the soul is actually not willing to do the necessary steps.

Perhaps the lesson with this number today is literal. Meaning you might need some firm boundaries with others. Perhaps you might need to realize that you are pushing someone to change and get clarity that they are not able to fully integrate.

Remember, you cannot take on another person’s karma. And you cannot help someone who is unwilling to help themselves.

If you try to take on the suffering of others, you will only drain your own energy and eventually put your own health in jeopardy.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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