Poem – A Wonder To Behold
No one lives a life of total grace and ease.
That is because humanity is a special kind of disease.
One that takes what we believe we know.
And throws it out into the bitter snow.
We are explorers on a path to discover and find.
What in other times we had left behind.
We took the wrong paths … at least we feared that to be.
But those journeys allowed us to gaze upon an endless sea.
We needed to be tested to uncover the lies that were told.
The lies of others that were too afraid to be bold.
But for the brave that were willing to explore.
The truth would be revealed and that would become a new door.
I stand at this moment on the threshold of a new me.
One that is fully aligned with what I was meant to be.
And in that process I have found a new acceptance and joy.
I laugh at this new understanding like a child with a new toy.
And how I had tried to fit into the boxes that were given.
Determined to embrace who I was and to never give in.
But now I see that the patterns of the past.
Need to be let go of so my soul can be recast.
What lies ahead is a story yet to be told.
Because I finally know … I am a wonder behold.
~Suzanne Wagner~