Poem – Broken Glass
There is broken glass all over the floor.
Home grown terrorists wanted to even the score.
They stomped with boots built for war.
Wanting to get rid of those from any distant shore.
They leave our country in shambles, as we struggle to find the broom.
We are now walking on broken glass even in the newsroom.
I wonder at what happened to such souls that want to cause such pain.
What has caused them to see the effort of so many as a bane?
The minds of such souls are twisted into knots.
And now they believe that it is their right to call the shots.
I will walk through the broken glass and collect what I can.
I pick up the pieces that where shattered by many a mad man.
I will find a way to make them into some work of art.
At least it is a place to constructively make a new start.
What was broken cannot be completely healed.
There were too many lies that were not even concealed.
I can forgive stupidity for those that could not see.
But there were too many that broke all the glass with enormous glee.
To them, I point out that there will be a day.
That they must walk through the glass until they feel the dismay.
The pain that they consciously caused others is not what I would want to feel.
And they did it all for a man that only knows how to steal.
~Suzanne Wagner~