July 17, 2024

Poem – Dance It All

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 17, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – Dance It All

In life, we all must learn to dance.
Because even the bad things can show us how to enhance.

The Irish figured it out from hardship and stone.
To put a dance tune to painful lyrics and something new will be shown.

Feelings need to move, and emotions can inspire a new path.
There are many doors in the darkness, even in pain and wrath.

When we allow emotions to find their way through.
The body can connect the nerves into something very new.

Dance was my salvation; it was the healer of my soul through time.
It gave me a release by allowing me to express the grime.

Life is messy, painful, and twisted with expectations.
Music and dance became my most powerful foundations.

Today, when I feel somethings so stuck deep inside.
I do not run away or try to hide.

Instead I go out into the sunshine and move.
I know that the answer can be found when I am in my groove.

The answers from dance are not about solving anything.
They are about releasing the feelings out of a tight and coiled spring.

A certain amount of tension is a good thing.
The right amount allows a guitar to sing.

But too much tension breaks the heart and soul.
It is how we forget to love … and grow very weary and old.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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