September 4, 2024

Poem – Every Story … Ever Told

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 4, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – Every Story Ever Told

When you look up into the darkness you can see the stars.
Same is true if you want to know who you are.

We fear the darkness and push it deep inside.
And when you do that the magic that can provide.

Moves far away into distant lands
And the possibilities suddenly change hands.

Because when you push the darkness away.
Those wonderful things that give life and play.

Move also towards some distant light.
Because you have become dark and are in fright.

The good and the bad, the light and the dark.
Are forever entwined and are never far apart.

That is the nature of this bubble that we exist in.
Where there is one there will always be a darker twin.

Fear not the darkness inside.
Open your eyes to the distant light that still guides.

Know that in your heart you can be both and do no harm.
Denying one part inside will not disarm.

Within us there are forces we do not understand.
But whether or not we approve, they are not at our command.

They will play the games that they were destined to teach.
They listen to something inside that does loudly beseech.

They heed a call that is ancient and old.
It is the beginning and end of every story ever told.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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