June 6, 2024

Poem – Mosquitos

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 6, 2024Categories: Poems For Members


The mosquitos are out, and I try not to be mad.
Because a world without bugs and birds would be so very sad.

They are relentless, and I seem very sweet to eat.
They want my blood like some crave meat.

I know that I need to put up with them because of the bats.
The bats are so sweet and love these tasty flying gnats.

So, in the morning I weather these swarms.
Knowing in the evening the bats fly in beautiful forms.

Life is a game of give and take.
Bats give me more that the mosquitos try to equate.

I put on my hat, cover my neck, and put on gloves.
Because I love the summer and my sweet mourning doves.

With the warmth comes the time of bounty and sweet things.
Bugs are just a part of how nature swings.

So next time you go out and spend some time outside.
Remember to gear up from the mosquitos to hide.

Then sit in a place where there is beauty all around.
And marvel at the magic that summer uses to astound.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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