July 26, 2024

Poem – Stand Your Ground

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 26, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – Stand Your Ground


Stand your ground when others intend you harm.
Stand your ground when others flee in alarm.

Stand your ground when the bullies are out to play.
Stand your ground against those that will betray.

Stand your ground as the sky darkens overhead.
Stand your ground when others wish you dead.

Stand your ground when the beasts are suddenly released.
Stand your ground or this crap will only be increased.

We live in a time when a line must be drawn.
We are not here to repeat the fall of Saigon.

While mistakes are made on both sides.
Harping on that will not turn the needed tides.

This is not about that there will be a time.
This is about the fact that what lies ahead is not sublime.

Standing our ground requires us to stand in the storms and the mud.
Standing your ground will cost more than our precious blood.

When what is good is threatened to be torn down.
We just know that we can stand up to any clown.

It may be messy, and it may take a courage we do not yet know.
But there is no choice when confronted with overthrow.

We have lived through many terrible times.
Most made no sense and had no real reason or rhymes.

But power does not need to make sense in its quest for control.
And money will not fill up any soul’s empty holes.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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