May 15, 2024

Poem – The Bees And Me

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 15, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Bees And Me

The many bees are buzzing all around.
I love the humming of their sound.
They are on the quest to gather up the goods.
As they wander through my garden neighborhood.

They make me smile as they consider me a flower.
In my blue and purple dress I am a flower tower.
I smile as they try to figure out where to land.
If a man did what they did, I would slap his hand.

But the bees explore the colorful world of spring.
As they fly through their world without a care on their wings
I watch the sunrise and the buzzing increases.
Together we watch the unfolding of nature’s masterpieces.

Happily, we move through the efforts for this day.
They are on a serious quest and tolerate no delays.
They know that this is a moment to gather up what they can.
Because there will be moments when dry will be the land.

But for now, this moment is so very good.
Appreciate this moment just like the bees in the wood.
When we love the seasons and allow them to astound.
We realize that all of life is quite profound.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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