June 3, 2024

Poem – The Feeling Of A Tour Jete

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 3, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Feeling of a Tour Jeté

I remember the feeling of a Tour Jeté.
The flying backwards up and away.
The feeling of the legs switching from front to back.
The power of propulsion from a human hack.

I remember the day learning “La Fille Mal Gardée”
That we were to leap together in a Tour Jeté.
But instead of landing on our feet.
We were to go to the ground, gracefully and very neat.

I loved when choreography showed me something new.
My brain enjoyed when a challenge came through.
Ballet is about learning the basics so very well.
That the body knows how to move into a creative swell.

What made ballet so interesting and unique.
Were the challenges that appeared with great mystique.
Each day was filled with something exciting and new.
Each day was a moment to learn how to see it through.

Movement was the thing that gave my heart wings.
Dance was the instrument that moved all my strings.
Watching dance is a process of my body remembering how it felt.
But nothing can compare to dancing the steps that one is dealt.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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