May 23, 2024

Poem – The Magic Of The Full Moon

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 23, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Magic Of The Full Moon

I woke up to the full moon so red in the morning sky.
It resonated a sound that dispelled deception and lies.
Nature’s wonder showed her fury and power.
It is a wonder that more of mankind does not cower.

She has something to say to those who have eyes and ears.
She reminds us that we create our fears and tears.
She is a myth that tells of what is yet to come.
She is the warning of when it might be wise to run.

But mankind has disconnected from nature at its source.
We live our lives in boxes, believing our mind knows the course.
Yet, in the silence and wisdom of a Full Moon.
There are still a few that dance and swoon.

To those she still guides and leads the way.
Out into the night to twirl and sway.
Lovers walk hand in hand under her mystical light.
And in the Full Moon we can know what is right.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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