May 30, 2024

Poem – The Scrapbook Of This Life

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 30, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Scrapbook Of This Life

To my ancestors that gave so much.
To all of those that reached for a life without the fuss.

I tell you all that you did such an amazing job.
You were willing to take risks and to turn many knobs.

Life is about what we make of each chance.
Life is about noticing opportunity in a glance.
We all want to make our lives better than before.
But it is a waste of a life to try to even the score.

Life gives us a precious moment in time.
As we open new doors and explore things sublime.
Tomorrow will you have the courage to take that leap?
Will you follow the messages from when you were asleep?

Much awaits if you are willing to go and grow.
And yes, there will still be times of conflict and sorrow.
But if you listen mostly to your heart.
Your scrapbook of this life will show amazing parts.

It matters not how this life will end.
What matters most are those upon which you depend.
They are the sacred glue of magic and choice.
They help you find how to express this voice.

We are not alone and that is because only together can we climb.
There is much to learn and not always enough time.
That is why we need help to traverse difficult times.
We need those who love us despite our crimes.

In all lives, mistakes will be made.
But that sharpens our mind and for some blades.
Protect and defend what is honest and true.
See past the illusions that others strew.

The game is awareness on as many levels as one comprehends.
And to remember that life is an illusion of beginnings and ends.
Take the time to have a good cry.
Look inside to what you deny.

Without the awareness to see deep within.
We will see only black and white rather than what is underneath the skin.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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