May 16, 2024

Poem – The Things That Last

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 16, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Things That Last

When you look at a stool from times long past.

Do you think of the souls that built it to last?
We live in a time where so much is thrown away.
So many things now were never intended to stay.

Have we forgotten the great joy of making something last?
The energy and effort someone put in, has magic in its cast.
When we make something with our own hands.
We take the time to travel to distant lands.

Creating anything is a journey you see.
This thing of beauty becomes an expression of me.
And when we are no longer here will anything remain.
Perhaps that stool can become a peaceful refrain.

And when we sit down, we are never really alone.
After all, the soul that built it to be in our home.
Is standing there observing it all.
And will be with us when we enjoy the spring or the fall.

Together we will think about shared moments in life.
We will talk about the challenges and moments of strife.
But in the end we are sharing a peaceful exchange.
Sitting on that stool helps us make sense of things strange.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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