July 26, 2024

Poem – The Ticking Clock In Life’s Maze

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 26, 2024Categories: Poems For Members

Poem – The Ticking Clock In Life’s Maze

I watch the pigeons fall from the trees,
like feathered leaves.
Cascading down,
toward the seeds,
that are lying on the ground.

They come each day
and wait expectantly in the trees,
knowing that I will come
with their preferred seeds.

The ravens do not wait,
they call down to me.
Using my bird call
to make sure that I know
they are in the tree.

We all understand the rhythm
and make sense of each other’s rhyme.
They have known my cycles
for a long time.

The patterns we use
are in the natural flow.
There is no urgency
they know I choose
to consistently go.

They are my friends
and we meet each day.
Just like a clock
with no hands to display.

We are connected
to each other’s ways.
Each a ticking clock
in life’s complicated maze.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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