Poem – Those With Blinders
What I know is that I never want to be like Humpty-Dump.
I do not want to be known as evil’s minion and a chump.
I do not want to live in a body so tortured and cruel.
I do not want to be karmically responsible for those being fed gruel.
I know kindness when I see it in form.
He is a soul so broken and torn.
That he feeds on the pain from all he creates.
He cares not that he causes suffering and puts children in crates.
He is a monster and any who condone his rule.
Will be linked to his karma because they were such a fool.
While the evil that is inside is now fully released.
It will take a long time to end this demon’s feast.
While I wait quietly … deep on my land.
I will abide by none of his demanding commands.
He is not a leader and chief.
He is charlatan, a rapist, and a thief.
But what I know is that karma eventually comes around.
And when it comes … it has a deafening sound.
When golden towers topple from within.
And some people see they swallowed original sin.
That is the moment that the change can then occur.
The blinders will come off and they will see their own saboteur.
~Suzanne Wagner~