July 20, 2023

Poem – In the Sunlight Above a Lavender Swing

Poem – In the Sunlight Above a Lavender Swing


Last week I ran through the lavender fields.
It was such a joy to be in a space to drop all the shields.
The older I get, the more I want to play.
I am no longer interested in getting into a fray.


Some want the drama, and that makes them feel alive.
I love to meander in lavender fields that surprise.
Too often in life, we forget to just be.
We think too much instead of fly free.


Wandering through these scented pastures.
All my protections and all the plasters.
Broke away and fell to the ground.
All the old protection shattered and could not be found.


That was because what is real will always remain.
When we let our authentic self … dance in the rain.
We need so much more in life than just to work.
We need nuance and color and learn to network.


Often what we need is not in the sky.
It can be in the eyes of a lavender surprise.
So next time, you look past the hard parts of this life.
Step towards those lavender fields that glisten in the light.


You might just discover that hidden inside.
Is a part of yourself that refuses to hide.
That is when more freedom begins to ring.
As you sit in the sunlight above a lavender swing.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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