July 9, 2023

Poem – My Magical Red Cape – Dedicated to Geraldine

Poem – My Magical Red Cape
Dedicated to Geraldine


I have a red cape that has a mind of its own.
It comes out when something is seeking a home.
That can be an idea or a concept that tries to find.
Where it fits before it is left behind.


This cape of mine is fearless and true.
It knows how to rally in order to breakthrough.
This cape of mine is a force of nature inside.
It will never run, and it will refuse to hide.


That is because it has a job to do.
And that is to help me make each day something new.
While some fear risk and others to fail.
This cape of mine will forever prevail.


It has its own mind and will protect and defend.
It will be by my side until the bitter end.
It cares that together we find a way through the maze.
It knows where to go even in a thick haze.


That is why I know it is a type of love.
Perhaps it was gifted to me from those above.
Regardless it is like a protective sleeve.
One that is always ready, and one that will never leave.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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